Unternehmensgruppe Eckert


Strong demand for Eckert-knowledge – Eckert Schools International successfully and continuously expand their cooperation with Chinese institutions

2019 was another year for high demand for the teacher training programmes of Eckert Schools International. More than 100 representatives of several Chinese education institutes came to Regenstauf for trainings in various fields, and a very promising letter of intent for further projects was signed between Eckert Schools International and the Henan Polytechnic Institute.

Lehrerfortbildungsgruppe des Caofeidian Vocational and Technical Colleges

Lehrerfortbildungsgruppe des Yibin Vocational and Technical Colleges

Die Unterzeichnung der Absichtserklärung durch den Vizepräsident des Henan Polytechnic Instituts, Herrn Jishan Liu und den Geschäftsführer der Dr. Eckert Akademie, Herrn Markus-Johannes Zimmermann.

Delegation der Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security

Delegation des Jiangxi Transport Vocational Technology Colleges

The relationship between Germany and China is currently better and more intense than ever – a fact that is also reflected by the economic cooperation of the two countries. For Eckert Schools International the Chinese partners played a crucial role in the past year, too: several projects were successfully completed shortly before the turn of the year.

The cooperation with the Henan Polytechnic Institute has proven a very lasting one. In the last two years three experts from Eckert Schools International have already visited China to train the trainers of the Polytechnic Institute in the fields of robot technology, CNC technology and mechatronic systems.  A delegation of four people from the Province Henan came to our campus in Regenstauf in December 2019. At the end of their visit CEO of Dr Eckert Academy, Mr Markus Johannes Zimmermann signed an extensive letter of intent. This letter of intent will serve as basis for mutual future long-range projects.

Further Chinese organisations also showed great interest in the expertise of  the Eckert schools. In 2019, the focus was largely on various train-the-trainer programmes as well as on the German VET. For that, Eckert Schools International provided customized workshops and trainings for the Caofeidian Vocational and Technical College, for a delegation of the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security and a group of teachers from the province Gansu.

There were trainings for teachers from Yibin Vocational and Technical College in the fields of mechatronics and automotive mechatronics. Also, a group of teachers from the province of Shandong received valuable information on new technologies in vehicle and powertrain technologies from experts at Eckert Schools International.

Altogether, Eckert Schools International offered successful further education for more than 100 participants of Chinese educational institutions. So far, there is no end to this story of success – at the end of the year, a delegation of Jianxi Transportation Vocational Technology College visited Eckert School-campus to get information about the chances and versatile possibilities of cooperation with Eckert Schools International.

