Successful online train-the-trainer program conducted in the areas of media design and building information modelling
How to best use the time of the summer break? Studying – what a great idea! 37 teachers of the Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institutes in Kaifeng/China used the online training offered by Eckert Schools international to get fit for vocational training in China.

Mr. Dipl. Ing. (FH) Fabian Biersack, lecturer at the Dr. Eckert Academy, made a great impression on the Chinese teachers when he showed examples of successful applications of BIM in numerous construction projects.
Regenstauf, Germany / Kaifeng, China: Germany is famous for its well-trained technicians. Its dual VET, which is respected worldwide, has many advantages – not only in technical professions. Trainings in creative professions such as media design can also guarantee that the competences of their trainees are developed efficiently thanks to the close connection of theoretical instructions in the vocational schools and the practical application of the theory acquired in the training companies.
In the course of the online train-the-trainer program held between August 16-20, 13 vocational teachers from China got a thorough insight into the training as a media designer in the dual system in Germany. Alexander Perottoni, teacher at the Berufsförderungswerk Eckert, presented the training regulation, the training plan for the training companies and the curriculum for the vocational schools. He also explained the implementation of such a training in the company and the vocational school. And he illustrated the implementation of the project work as an important tool to promote the vocational skills of the trainees. Another focus was the implementation of the IHK final examination (IHK = Chamber of Industry and Commerce) for media design. The participants particularly liked the project work carried out by media design retrainees of the Berufsförderungswerk Eckert for “Regensburger Herzen e.V” (e.V. = registered organisation) as it showed them new ways of initiating projects for their students in China.
The digitalization of the construction industry is advancing steadily worldwide. Therefore, the topic “Building Information Modeling”- BIM, i.e. the virtual modeling of building data, was the topic of the online train-the-trainer program which took place from August 30 to September 3rd, 2021 for 24 teachers of the faculty of construction engineering. The contiuous use of BIM-buidling models was the focus of the five-day training. Starting with basic use cases and tools of BIM, the training advanced to topics like coordination and data exchange in BIM and thus illustrated the structured approach of BIM use in construction industry. Further focus was put on the topics of object-oriented model structure as well as the implementation of BIM in companies and projects.
With his experience as managing director of “Preihsl + Schwan beraten und Planen Ltd.” Mr. Dipl. Ing. (FH) Fabian Biersack, lecturer at the Dr. Eckert Academy, made a great impression on the Chinese teachers when he showed examples of successful applications of BIM in numerous construction projects. This illustrated that the further developments of BIM are going to change the construction process profoundly all over the world.
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